Words, Words, Words (Chem. Ed.)…

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Words

I thought it might be good to have a page with definitions for some commonly used words in science. This post will be largely chemistry based; I have done biology and physics versions too. I apologise in advance if it is too simple for you – just make sure that you really do understand each word properly. I have linked each word to a very short video on Twig Prep (where something suitable exists).

Solution – a special mixture in which one substance is evenly spread out through another.

Solvent – the liquid in which something is dissolved.

Solute – the substance dissolved in a solution.

Dissolve – when one substance becomes evenly distributed through another.

Soluble/Insoluble – able or not able to dissolve in a particular solvent.

Precipitate (verb or noun)

verb – to form as solid particles in a liquid during a reaction

noun – the solid that forms within a liquid

Suspension – fine particles of solid floating evenly through a liquid

Atom – the smallest part of matter that has chemical properties.

Element – a substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler chemical; it contains only one kind of atom.

Molecule – two or more atoms chemically bound together.

Compound – two or more different kinds of atom chemically bonded together in specific proportions.

Mixture – two or more substances of any kind mingled together in any proportion.

The glossary section at Twig Prep is pretty useful. I will probably add to this page from time-to-time so keep checking back.


  1. How would you separate an insoluble solid from a liquid?
  2. How would you produce pure salt from some salt solution?
  3. Suggest a physical property of (a) a typical metal (b) a typical non-metal?
  4. Suggest a chemical property of (a) a typical metal (b) a typical non-metal?
  5. In what way is carbon NOT a typical non-metal?



Head of Science Summer Fields, Oxford

4 thoughts on “Words, Words, Words (Chem. Ed.)…

  1. 1 Filtration
    2 Evaporation
    3a Shiny
    3b Not Ductile
    4a They produce hydrogen when reacted with water
    4b Bad conductors of heat and electricity
    5 Not Malleable

    1. Q1 – excellent
      Q2 – indeed
      Q3 – (a) yes (b) better to say “brittle” than “not something a metal is”
      Q4 – (a) yes, although most metals do not react with water so better to say “their oxides are bases” (b) those are physical properties – a chemical property would be that their oxides usually dissolve to form acids (e.g. SO2, CO2 & NO2)
      Q5 – (there are too many negatives in the question!) not being malleable is typical of non-metals. What is odd about carbon is that it conducts electricity quite well which other non-metal elements do not.

      Very well done!

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