
This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Faerie

A little bit more about ‘selective breeding’ with reference to flower production in the video below. Please sit through it to the end as it contains a twist!

Some pretty sound Mendelian genetics and a simple explanation of how breeders produce the strains of plants and animals we commonly see. Then the host fires in the cracking fact that the colouring is delivered to the fairies by the pixies. The farmer manages to keep a straight face – just. The host is Christopher Valentine and he has form…

Last time I wrote about Christopher Valentine, it became my most commented upon post. The conversation quickly veered ‘off topic’ and includes thoughts on philosophy and astronomy. Since I have moved the blog’s location all of the comments have been removed – do feel free to start the debate again.

Christopher Valentine publishes books about Nature People (he specialises in Gnome communication), bringing his skills as a “professionally trained psychic medium” to bear on these conversations. His most recent book is especially insightful because it was largely dictated by pixies who, as Nature People themselves, are perfectly placed to comment on the ways of mystical beings.

The back of “Magical Powers and Mystical Beings” promises the following…

The early origins of Unicorns
Astonishing revelations as we hear the world’s first messages from a Mermaid
The fantastical truth about Dragons and their role in early creation
The power of Stars, Constellations and our future as Spirit explorers
New information on Whales, Dolphins, and their connection to Atlantis

…go to the website and read the many others!

One of his books (If You Could Only See … A Gnome’s Story: A Groundbreaking First Person Account of the Nature Kingdom As Told by the Gnomes, Leprechauns, Elves, and Faeries Themselves) has several readers’ comments on Amazon. I enjoyed this little exchange because there seems no question that Nature People exist just some disagreement about how they manifest themselves and which authorities to trust. This review for a different book (Seeing and Sensing Gnomes…Hey Looky Hea’h: A Direct Approach to Seeing the Gnomes, Elves, Leprechauns and Fairies Around You and Learning How to Sense Their Presence and Influence in Your Life) by the same author takes a slightly more sceptical approach.

In the following video he shows you how to attract fairies to your garden or into your house.

I wish he would put the cards from which he is reading at the same height as the camera, but maybe that is not the main problem with his video.

I utterly respect Mr Valentine’s right to believe he communicates with supernatural beings, but am I wrong to be worried that in 2012 there are people spending their hard-earned money on his books?

Because it is fairies we can laugh it off as unimportant. My reason for posting things like this is to ask the question…

“What if the things being claimed were potentially harmful?”

…then perhaps the lack of critical thinking would not be so amusing.

Where do you stand in the debate?



Head of Science Summer Fields, Oxford


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