A Quick Puzzle…

…from the New York Times.

You must click on the link at the end of this post, attempt the test and then come back here to leave a comment.

I don’t mean ‘must’ in the sense of…

You simply must try the mackerel with pickles and mullet roe at El Celler de Can Roca.

Yeah, of course we would all love to do that but almost nobody reading this post ever will (if you have please post in the comments!)

I mean ‘must’ in the sense of…

Humans must absorb oxygen in order to supply cellular respiration.

It is a fundamental necessity.

Read the puzzle, investigate until you have a solution, submit your answer, read all of the response (whether you are right or wrong) then return here to tell me how you did.

Here is the link http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/07/03/upshot/a-quick-puzzle-to-test-your-problem-solving.html




Head of Science Summer Fields, Oxford


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