People As Molecules…


How many names of famous people can you spell using the symbols for elements? I set myself a low bar for ‘famous’ and managed…

(Mr) BiSHOP (bismuth, sulphur, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorous) & (Mr) SNoW (sulphur, nobelium and tungsten) before I thought I would be better handing it over to you.

I have not Googled this yet but I suspect that there will be a site out there somewhere with plenty of examples.

Try not to go looking but see if you can come up with any on your own.


ps They’re not really molecules, rather mixtures (or alloys) Could it be done with numbers included like CaSiO4 (calcium silicate) also spelling Casio?

pps Please note that the four most recently named elements Nihonium, Moscovium, Tennessine and Oganesson are now included in the table.


Head of Science Summer Fields, Oxford


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