What Is Science? We Just Don’t Know…

Well actually, unlike with birds, we do know what science is. Science is a process that allows us to acquire knowledge. This is done by using observation and investigation to describe and explain the natural world. This allows us to produce useful models of reality.

The word science is also used to refer to the body of useful knowledge obtained by using the methods of scientific investigation. Science as described in the first paragraph is often called pure science to distinguish it from applied science, which is where the knowledge gained is used to improve the lives of humans.

Further to this, science is often divided between natural sciences and the social sciences. Natural science is the study of the Universe including life on Earth and social science is the study of human behaviour and society.

Scientific knowledge is acquired by using the scientific method. This method helps to organise scientists’ thoughts so that they can be confident about their answers. The procedure is usually broken down into five headings.

  1. Observation/Research
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Prediction
  4. Investigation
  5. Conclusion
A. Observation/Research

At this stage, you observe something and then attempt to find an explanation for it. If you find that an explanation already exists, then you need to decide if you are satisfied with this explanation. You can dig more deeply into how this explanation was acquired and, if the process appears sound, you can choose to accept it as fact. If you are not happy with the explanation you can design an experiment that will disprove it. If you are unable to disprove it, you may eventually have to accept that it is probably true.

You may find no explanation for the phenomenon that you have observed so at this point you can propose your own hypothesis.

B. Hypothesis

A hypothesis is an idea or possible explanation for an observation based upon knowledge or research. The last part of that description is important because just hypothesising that ‘the pixies did it’ is not based upon reason or logic and is therefore unlikely to advance the sum of human knowledge.

C. Prediction

Now that you have a hypothesis you can make a prediction. This is where you suggest an outcome that ought to be true if your hypothesis is correct. It is important that you don’t alter your prediction once the investigation has begun. Your prediction being wrong does not mean you have failed – it just means that further evidence has come to light that you did not appreciate before you began your investigation.

D. Investigation

At this point you design a fair experiment to test your prediction. This can be a tricky thing to do but the basic principle is that you try to control all the factors that might affect the outcome except the one that you are testing. The factor (or variable) that you are testing is called the independent variable and the outcome that you are measuring is called the dependent variable. The results are collected and can then be analysed to see if your prediction is supported.

E. Conclusion

Finally you attempt to make sense of the data you have collected. This is a summary of your results and what conclusions you can draw from those results. One experiment alone is not enough to prove your hypothesis. All you can say is whether the data you have collected support or refute your original hypothesis. That is why I always encourage you to suggest further tests that could be done. Your investigation must be written up in such a way that others can reproduce your exact experiment and see the results for themselves. An investigation is only a failure if its design was flawed in some way, not if the results are negative.

In practice, when we do experiments at school, I know in advance what I want you take away from the exercise. This is because I am trying to build up a body of knowledge in you that you can take on to your next school and use in exams.  Given the hundreds of years of progress the human race has made in its understanding of the natural world, it would be a waste of time constantly ‘reinventing the wheel’ so we tend to hurry things along a little by telling you what you need to know.

What I don’t want to happen is for you to abandon your ability to think critically. You should always (politely) challenge the claims that your teachers make, asking to see the evidence used to support them. I want you to leave SF as independent and critical thinkers; sceptics capable of forming your own opinions from the evidence with which you are presented. This is never more important than when answering exam questions, so look out for phrases such as ‘suggest reasons why’ as opportunities to demonstrate your ability to think for yourself.



Head of Science Summer Fields, Oxford


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