They Might Be Giants…

I love They Might Be Giants so I thought I would post this video for one of their songs. Many of their songs are full of wonderful geeky science and this is no exception.

It mentions that every element present in the sun is in a gaseous state because of the high temperatures. The sun is mostly made from hydrogen (the smallest element) which is being turned into helium (the second smallest element).  It has been burning for about 4.5 billion years and has about another 5 billion years of hydrogen fuel left. After this it will start to consume its helium increasing in size and temperature as it does so. Atoms are smashed together in a process called nuclear fusion to make new elements.


  1. What is the average temperature at the surface of the sun?
  2. What is the largest atom that our sun is able to make?
  3. Where do bigger atoms like gold come from?

Answers in the comment section below please.