The Poetry Of Reality…

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Symphony of Science

Someone left a comment that they liked the MelodySheep Game Of Thrones song. He is the guy who did all the Symphony of Science videos/songs. I have edited the posts so hopefully you can now see and play those videos too.



This reflects my take on science pretty accurately; for me it the most important human endeavour.

Did you notice Jacob Bronowski described as “Mathematician, Biologist, Poet”? How cool is that? His Wikipedia entry includes playwright and inventor in his list of achievements. When people overlook how creative science is I think they miss the point.

Unrelated to the above, but still magnificent is this MelodySheep offering taken from Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. Is it just me or are some of those sharks not Great Whites? The ones with squared-off noses and neater mouths look quite different to the snaggly-toothed and pointy-headed Great Whites.

